Как готовить пельмени на английском языке

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  • 3,5 glasses flour (+ a bit more for rolling)
  • 5 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons salt (for stuffing and dough)
  • Pepper to taste
  • 1 kg meat (500g pork and 500g beef)
  • 500g onions

Number of servings: 10-12

Количество порций: 10-12

Take 3 glasses of flour and sift it into a deep bowl.

Возьмите 3 стакана муки и просейте ее в глубокую мисочку.

Put the eggs into a cup and add some salt.

Положите яйца в стакан и добавьте соль.

Fill the rest of the cup with water and mix thoroughly.

Долейте воды до верха стакана и тщательно перемешайте.

Pour the egg mixture into the bowl with flour.

Влейте яичную смесь в миску с мукой.

Mix everything thoroughly as the dough should be homogeneous. Leave it for 15 minutes.

Тщательно перемешайте все, так как тесто должно быть однородным. Оставьте на 15 минут.

Put the dough on the table, add some more flour (if necessary), then knead it for at least 7-10 minutes. Then wrap it in a plastic bag and put into the fridge.

Положите тесто на стол, добавьте еще немного муки (если нужно), затем вымешивайте его не менее 7-10 минут. Потом заверните его в пакет и положите в холодильник.

Rinse beef and pork. Dry and mince the meat. You can use minced meat.

Вымойте говядину и свинину, обсушите и пропустите через мясорубку. Вы можете взять готовый фарш.

Peel onions, mince them or chop in a blender. Then add onions to the meat seasoning with some salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly.

Очистите лук, пропустите через мясорубку или измельчите в блендере. Затем добавьте лук к фаршу, приправив солью и перцем. Перемешайте тщательно.

When stuffing is ready, you can start making pelmeni. Roll the dough into a sausage shape and cut it into pieces.

Когда начинка готова, можно начинать делать пельмени. Скатайте из теста сосиску и разрежьте ее на кусочки.

Dust the worktop with some flour and roll each piece into a thin flat cake.

Присыпьте поверхность стола мукой и раскатайте каждый кусочек в тонкую лепешку.

Put one teaspoon of stuffing into the centre.

Положите 1 чайную ложку начинки в центр.

Pinch edges firmly.

Плотно скрепите края.

Bring the corners together. Just look at that!

Соедините уголки. Какая красота!

Place the pelmeni on a flour-dusted surface.

Положите пельмени на присыпанную мукой поверхность.

Cook pelmeni in boiling water adding some salt and bay leaves to taste.
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Готовьте пельмени в кипящей воде, добавив соль и лавровый лист по вкусу.

Russian pelmeni (dumplings) is a savior for women making a quick dinner on busy days; something every poor student used to live off for at least a week at some point of his life; and what you’ll find in a freezer of every Russian bachelor. Russian pelmeni recipe is very similar to the recipes of Chinese dumplings and Italian ravioli. Pelmeni are made of ground meat wrapped in unleavened dough and then boiled.

A Few Facts About Russians and Pelmeni:

  • The best Russian pelmeni are homemadepelmeni, but nobody has time for that. Mostly, people make them at home for big celebrations like New Year. Otherwise it’s store bought.
  • Pelmeni are a must for New Year’s table. The whole family gathers on the evening of 30 th of December to make hundreds of pelmeni while watching a Soviet comedy and chatting. Usually, it’s a factory-like process with, say, father cutting out rounds of dough, while mother and grandma fill them up with meat and seal the edges (This is the role distribution in my family, with me in the end of the chain conveniently storing pelmeni in my tummy).
  • Traditionally, the filling is made of three kinds of meat: beef, pork and lamb. Nowadays, though, you can find beef and pork mix, beef alone, or even ground chicken as a filling. All depends on your personal preference. If the filling is anything else but meat (potato, cottage cheese, mushrooms, cherries) then you call it vareniki.
  • The choice of sauce for pelmeni is as important and sacred as choosing your religion. There are mayo lovers (me included), mustard devotees, people who prefer their pelmeni with diluted vinegar, some like it with sour cream, others place a piece of butter on top or horseradish sauce on s />

    Why You Need Pelmeni in Your Life

    Pelmeni, or Russian dumplings, take a lot of time to make. But once you are done, your dinners couldn’t be easier, faster, and more delicious. You can keep pelmeni in the freezer for months and only spend minutes to prepare your dinner or set a table for unexpected guests.

    Origins of Pelmeni

    Theories on origination of this dish are so confusing and contradictory that I don’t even want to cite it here. Most of researchers agree that it originated in China. Some believe that it was brought to the Ural region in Russia (that’s where I am from) by mongols, others that pelmeni were invented by Komi-Permyak tribes that inhabited Urals and made their living by hunting. I tend to believe the latter. What is easier to cook for a hunter who spends most of his time in the forest but dumplings? They can be frozen, stored for months, then cooked in a few minutes. When Russians moved to Urals and Siberia they adopted the recipe.

    Traditional Russian Pelmeni Recipe

    Every woman has her own pelmeni recipe and technique. The one I always use is adopted from this website. First of all, this pelmeni recipe belongs to the author’s nanny who was a native Permyak – doesn’t get more authentic than that. The website gives very clear and thorough instructions on how to prepare pelmeni the traditional way (description is in Russian). I have modified proportions of water to flour in the dough slightly and added my favorite garlic to the filling.

    Pelmeni Dough

    The dough is made using eggs which are important since you need the dough to be elastic and easily rolled out. In the original recipe, Elaizik uses equal amounts of eggs and water. As she describes it, her nanny used cracked egg shells to measure water for the dough.

    After trying this recipe several times I increased the amount of water by a few tablespoons. Unlike in the original recipe, in my recipe (below) the amount of water is slightly higher than the amount of eggs. When you are finished kneading, the dough should be firm enough to not let water get inside pelmeni while they are being boiled, but elastic enough to roll it out paper thin.

    Meat Filling

    Beef and pork are used for the filling in 1:1 proportions. The ideal way to prepare it is to buy a whole piece of meat and grind it yourself. Years ago meat for pelmeni was chopped with a special knife in a wooden bucket. Today, though, using an ax-like knife in your kitchen seems a bit too complicated and messy, so grinder it is.

    You can always choose the easy way and buy ground meat in the supermarket. But buying whole meat pieces will ensure nothing is added to the mixture and you can control the meat/fat ratio in the final product.

    Working with Pelmeni Dough

    The most popular way is to roll out the dough very thin and then cut out rounds using a wine glass. The right way is to cut small pieces of dough and roll them into rounds individually. Although, the first method is faster, the second one is the way Russian grandmothers used to do it and provides better results. When filling pelmeni, place a teaspoon of meat onto the lower part of the round of dough.

    Cover meat with the upper part of the round of dough and start sealing from center working your way down each side.

    Then seal the ends together.

    Cooking Pelmeni

    If the dough is thin enough it should “shrink” during the boiling process making “wrinkles” around meat filling. This is a sign your dough is prepared perfectly. Make sure to drain all the water when you take pelmeni out of the pan. It’s best to serve pelmeni with butter or sour cream. If there’s any water left in the plate, sour cream and butter will be diluted by water and make a mess. On the other side, when pelmeni are dry, sour cream and butter tend to stick to the surface of the dough and enhance its flavor.

    You can find the detailed pelmeni recipe below. And here’s a video showing me making Russian pelmeni at home. Make sure to turn the volume up, the music in the background is an awesome Russian song by Leningrad!

    Ответ оставил Гость

    To do this, first sift the flour. To boil the kettle. In a bowl pour where sea salt. Add 1 Cup of boiling water. Sprinkling the sifted flour, quickly knead the soft dough. Put the dough for dumplings on a floured Board, press down well so that the dough did not stick to hands. The dough cover with a towel. Let stand for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, make the filling for dumplings. Onion peeled, washed and finely chopped. Wash the meat, cut into pieces. Pass through a meat grinder. Season with salt and pepper. Add the onions. Add so much water or milk to minced meat was not thick, but not too liquid. Thoroughly. The beef is ready. The dough for dumplings divided into 4 parts. Roll each piece into a sausage. Each sausage cut into 15-16 pieces. Each piece of roll with a rolling pin into a circle. On each circle of dough to put incomplete a teaspoon of stuffing. Fold the workpiece in half and carefully take the edges, lugs to join. So do all dumplings. Cover with towel, to not have dried out. Or freeze for later. Boil 2.5 liters of water. Salt. Lay out one portion of dumplings. Prevent them from sticking together. Let boil to the ascent of the dumplings and reduce the heat to medium. Cook dumplings home. Use the skimmer to remove the dumplings in a plate. Add a slice of butter. Homemade dumplings with meat ready. Serve hot with sour cream, sauce or vinegar.Bon appetit!

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